Science Communication for
Water Diplomacy in the Brahmaputra
Science Communication
for Water Diplomacy in the Brahmaputra
Our Aim
Water diplomacy facilitates cooperation over water. This project has been initiated by IIT Guwahati and supported by
the DGIS UNESCO‐IHE Programmatic Cooperation (DUPC).  

It aims to generate a space wherein water journalists, scientists and policy makers (on some level) from the four Brahmaputra basin nations (India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China) can engage in a process of common learning and co-production of knowledge, to contribute towards water diplomacy in the basin.
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The Origin - Yarlung Zangbo
Wengling Wang
The River as Respite
Chandan Mahanta
Fishing is a common activity in the floodplains of India and Bangladesh
Rupam Bhaduri
The River as Respite
Chandan Mahanta
Fishing is a common activity in the floodplains of India and Bangladesh
Rupam Bhaduri
The Origin - Yarlung Zangbo
Wengling Wang
Recent Updates
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| 2 / 2023
Media reporting on conflicts and cooperation: what does it mean for the Brahmaputra basin?
| 1 / 2023
Collective deliberation or just the state (in)action: how do we change the hydrodiplomacy landscape in South Asia?
Our Objectives
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Enhanced trust and confidence among the journalists, water scientists and policy makers.
Enhanced communication skills of water scientists to reach out to the public more effectively.
Responsible reporting by the media based on scientifically authenticated information.
To assess the various economic opportunities, challenges and research priorities in the basin.
Changing the narrative of the basin, through water diplomacy, and making it more inclusive through incorporating gender concerns and issues of the communities at stake.
Project Partners